Different types of Cinnamon are considered to be the identity of the Kilufa veKinamon, (קילופה וקינמון). Quite possibly leaves of the Cassia Cinnamon tree were used in the ketoret incense.

The bark of the Cinnamon tree (קינמון) was also an ingredient of the ketoret. Aquilaria agallocha is the Latin name.

Ma'aleh Ashan (מעלה עשן), literally means to cause the smoke to rise. Ma'aleh Ashan was added to the incense in order to cause the smoke to rise straight up like a pillar, and not to spread in all direction. The identity of the plant used to create this effect is shrouded in mystery. Some scholars today speculate that the Ma'aleh Ashan may be the plant Leptadenia pyrotechnica, which contains nitric acid, which would cause the smoke to rise in a pillar like fashion.
Bet Avtinas, the Avtinas family, who were the producers of the ketoret incense during the Second Temple, kept the identity of the Ma'aleh Ashan a secret. The secret was lost following the destruction of the Holy Temple.