Preparing the Flour
The wheat was then ground into very fine flour, which was sifted and sieved twelve times. Two-tenths of an ephah were produced, one-tenth for each loaf.
Kneading the Dough
The two loaves were kneaded and baked separately. They were rectangular in shape, measuring seven handbreadths long and four wide. The loaves were fashioned so that there would be a hornlike protrusion on each of the four corners.
The Kohanim Carry in the Offerings
The kohanim would carry the two loaves and the other offerings up to the altar. They would be accompanied by Levites blasting trumpets and playing flutes.
The Wave Offering
The waving of the twin loaves and the (living) sheep would then commence. The kohen would stand on the eastern side of the altar to perform the ceremony.
The Wave Offering, II
The kohen would again wave the offering, after the lamb had be slaughtered.
The Kohanim Eat the Two Shavuot Loaves
The kohanim would then gather in the Chamber of the Hearth, to eat from the two Shavuot loaves and the peace offerings. These offerings could only be eaten by the kohanim. This concluded the divine service unique to the festival of Shavuot.
King Agrippa Brings the Firstfruits
This picture depicts King Agrippa standing in the Hulda Gate tunnel, as described in the Mishna Bikkurim. The king's firstfruit basket is made of gold. It was common for pilgrims of means to bring their firstfruits in baskets of gold or silver, as a way of beautifying the mitzva, (known as hiddur mitzva). Others, of more limited means, would bring their firstfruits in baskets of straw. Yet all would carry their baskets upon their shoulders and enter together through the same gates. Shavuot, as well as the other festivals would bring the people together in a spirit of brotherhood and unity.