SHALOM AND WELCOMEto the official website of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE in Jerusalem, Israel. The Temple Institute is dedicated to every aspect of the Holy Temple of Jerusalem, and the central role it fulfilled, and will once again fulfill, in the spiritual wellbeing of both Israel and all the nations of the world. The Institute's work touches upon the history of the Holy Temple's past, an understanding of the present day, and the Divine promise of Israel's future. The Institute's activities include education, research, and development. The Temple Institute's ultimate goal is to see Israel rebuild the Holy Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, in accord with the Biblicalcommandments. We invite you to read our Statement of Principles. To learn more about the Temple Institute, click here.
Please visit the EVENTS page, to keep updated on what is new on the site.
THIS SITE TELLS THE STORY OF THE HOLY TEMPLE in words and pictures. It is a story that spans the millennia, from the beginning of creation, to the establishment of the Third Holy Temple, as foretold by every prophet of Israel. Thus, it is a story still unfolding, the most exciting chapters being written now, in our own times.
THIS SITE TELLS THE STORY OF THE HOLY TEMPLE in words and pictures. It is a story that spans the millennia, from the beginning of creation, to the establishment of the Third Holy Temple, as foretold by every prophet of Israel. Thus, it is a story still unfolding, the most exciting chapters being written now, in our own times.
AT THIS SITE, you may view photographs of the actual sacred Temple vessels that have been produced by the Temple Institute. Each vessel has been created by accomplished craftsmen. These vessels and priestly garments are being fashioned today according to the exact Biblical requirements, specifically for use in the future Holy Temple. They await the day when they will be called into the Divine service of the Holy Temple.
YOU CAN ALSO VIEW MANY of the original oil paintings commissioned by and created exclusively for the Temple Institute. This artwork recounts the history of the Holy Temple and recreates the story of daily life in the Temple with painstaking accuracy and attention to detail, according to Scripture and the sources of Jewish tradition.
BOTH THE RESTORED SACRED VESSELS and the original paintings seen on this site may be viewed in person at the Temple Institute's Holy Temple Visitors Center, located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. Visitors are welcome!
YOU CAN LEARN MORE about the history and structure of the Holy Temple and about the Divine service conducted throughout the year and on the three pilgrimage festival by visiting our series of Study Tools.
THE SCHOLARS OF THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE have dedicated their lives to raising public awareness of the importance of the Holy Temple in the life of all mankind, both Israel and the nations of the world. The Institute seeks to disseminate this knowledge, rekindle the desire and yearning for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple, and help to prepare as much as possible for the actual rebuilding. At this site you can view educational articles and essays about the Holy Temple, as well as an archive of newsletters and news items. You can also subscribe to the Temple Institute's free email newsletters. Also available are many online video teachings.
THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE CONSIDERS IT OF PRIMARY IMPORTANCE to educate about the great significance of Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the only site in the world that is considered holy by the Jewish people, and the only site in the world which G-d chose to rest His presence through the establishment of the Holy Temple. Click here to learn more about the sacred Temple Mount. Click here to find out how to request a tour of the Temple Mount according to halacha, Jewish law, without treading upon the actual site of the Temple, which is Biblically forbidden for all people, whether Jew or Gentile.
ALL WHO PRAY FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF THE BIBLICAL PROPHECIES that promise the reestablishment of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem are invited and welcome to become part of the Temple Institute's vision, and share in these efforts. Please visit our membership page (secure server) for more information about supporting the Temple Institute and member's benefits.